Vengeful Rider (Published in Italy as “Le Strade della Vendetta”), also known as “Camino de Venganza” in spanish, is a comic written by Alessandro Ferri, penciled by Marco Cenci (Matita Impazzita) and inked/colored by Elisa Féliz.
“The Cage is the conventional name for a network of streets that surround Guglielmo Marconi Square, in the EUR neighborhood, located on the outskirts of Rome, where underground races have long been organized. Reckless pilots and a sick public meet in the name of easy money in the shadow of the great obelisk. But the Cage sometimes takes someone’s life.”
Writer: Alessandro Ferri
Pencils/Cover: Marco Cenci (Matita Impazzita)
Inks/Colors: Elisa Féliz
Release Date (English Version): November 2024